Individual memberships
Profile: ADTS Medical Specialists
- Be a recognized medical specialist and graduated from a medical school endorsed by the National Council of Higher Education (CONES) and / or have revalidated your degree in the competent body.
- He is a member of the corresponding Dominican Medical College and Specialized Society, being up to date on his fees.
- Be an active member of the international specialized society of your specialty, preferably American, Canadian or from member countries of the European community.
- Possess current liability insurance.
- Fluently speak English and Spanish or other languages.
- Certificate of Good Conduct and no criminal record. Not have a history of guilt in civil liability litigation and lack information on the internet or social networks that discredit their image and / or that of the nation.
- Constant and verifiable medical updates.
- Sign contract of confidentiality of information, adherence to institutional protocols, use of informed consent and documentation established by the ADTS for the management of international patients.
- To be a collaborator in the congresses, activities and initiatives of the ADTS to promote the sustainable development of health tourism in the Dominican Republic.
- To make information and advertising material of the ADTS you can use your name, profile and image with prior informed consent in order to favor your professional positioning, as well as the recruitment of patients and initiatives of the ADTS.
The Dominican Tourism Association favors the best practices of the health and tourism sectors, promoting productive chains, quality and safety of the provision of services and coordination between public and private sectors to achieve the consolidation of the Dominican Republic as a tourism destination World class health.
Corporate memberships
Profile: Providers Services (Clinics and Hospitals) ADTS
- Be authorized by the Ministry of Public Health.
- Have International Joint Commission International Accreditation or ISQUA or International Organization competent for these purposes or be in a verifiable process to obtain it.
- Have membership and / or accreditation of ISQUA or other accrediting body of international renown.
- Have a website in Spanish and English with detailed and accurate information on the management of international patients in your institution.
- Have a quality and safety committee.
- Have an International Department that coordinates medical, support, translation and hospital services and handles financial, tourism and accommodation matters. It is essential that patients receive an itinerary prior to their trip, where the entire process, documentation and details of the services and procedures that the patient will perform will be explained step by step.
- Have a care coordinator assigned for the close monitoring of the patient, taking into account their preferences, cultural expectations, providing support and safety throughout the patient’s experience.
- Have doctors who meet the profile of ADTS medical specialists in the services they will provide to international patients.
- Formal and verifiable training of health, nursing and administrative staff for the management of international patients
- Have all the forms, informed consent, medical history and documentation in English or language of the patient who will receive treatment.
- Only offer procedures in which they stand out (Centers of Excellence) and that have data, statistics and that meet international standards.
- Commitment to confidential management of information and continuity of patient care, as well as commitment to adherence to best practices and clinical protocols duly endorsed.
- Direct access program that facilitates the speed and quality of pre-operative evaluations, appointments, procedures and interconsultations.
Affiliate Benefits
- The profile of each member will be published on the ADT website adtusalud.org to provide visibility in the international market.
- Preferential rates in health tourism training workshops.
- Opportunity to handle patients captured by the ADTS according to established agreements.
- Networking with leading national and international health professionals in the health sector.
- Access to publications and consulting opportunities and joint work with the ADTS.
- Use of the ADTS logo on its portal.
- Corporate profile and contact information and services on the ADTS portal.
- Facilities for legal advice related to Health Tourism.