The Dominican Health Tourism Association has a multidisciplinary team specialized in medical tourism, law, health, tourism, as well as economists, local and international consultants and public-private strategic alliances with important entities and members of the tourism value chain of health and well-being to provide comprehensive support, trainning and strengthen the competitiveness of Dominican health tourism.
Dr. Alejandro CambiasoPresident
Amelia Reyes MoraVicepresident
Dra. Maite del ToroLegal Director

Dr. José Natalio RedondoPresident of Grupo Rescue
Julio LlibrePresident of Coral Hospitality Corp
Dr. Julio Castaños GuzmánPresident of Plaza de la Salud
Dr. José López AracheVicepresident of Central Romana
Dr. Jorge Subero IsaEx-president of the Supreme Court of Justice
Dr. Rafael Sánchez EspañolPresident of HOMS
Dr. Félix EscañoPresident FLASO/ALAD
Dr. José Joaquín PuelloNeurosurgeon at CECANOT

Licda. Magdalena RatheExecutive Director of Fundación Plenitud

Dr. Héctor López EstevezSurgery Consultant

Fedor VidalCEO Arium Salud Digital

Dr. José Rafael YunénInfection Control Consultant at ADTS

Dr. Máximo RodríguezOfficial MD of the UN in the Dominican Republic
Eduardo A. CruzPresident & CEO at Humano
Dr. Luis S. Alcántara AbreuExecutive Director at Punta Cana Health Center

Dr. Arnaldo EspaillatDirector Espaillat Cabral Institute